OD World Summit
Co-creating a new World
of Organizations and Communities
Budapest, Ungarn

Details und Anmeldung:

Der erste Weltkongress für Organizational Development Praktiker findet im August 2010 in Ungarn statt. Hier treffen sich Praktiker und unkonventionelle Unternehmen sowie Communities zu einem intensiven fachlichen Austausch. U.a. kommen Juanita Brown, Peggy Holman, Edwin Nevis, Joseph Melnick, Frances Baldwin, Diana Whitney u.v.m.

The first World Summit of Organizational Development practitioners will be held in August 2010 in Hungary. This will be a meeting point of practitioners and unconventional companies and communities for an intense professional exchange. Among others there will be Juanita Brown, Peggy Holman, Edwin Nevis, Joseph Melnick, Frances Baldwin, Diana Whitney.