Basic assumptions and attitude
By partnership-based consulting we mean that we disclose our world view, our mental models and our attitude. Our attitude is shaped by the following basic assumptions which influence the perception, thinking, feeling and acting of the consultants in the cogitamus network.
Organizations are living systems
We understand organisations in their original meaning as living organisms rather than machines. This assumption determines the nature of our work, the selection of our co-workers and partners, and the selection of our methods.
The „as well as“ is more accurate and useful than the „either or“
Living organisms behave more in a multidimensional paradox than in a one-dimensional linear way. This experience is expressed more strongly in the Asian approach to thinking and interpreting „as well as“ than in the Western, linear thinking of the „rational“ sciences. Therefore, in our work the so-called „hard“ and „soft“ factors have the same high value.
It is all a question of perception
We try, together with our clients, to use the different levels and channels of perception. In the sense of the sentence: All we hold for true is an illusion based on a specific perspective. We use the different perspectives (diversity), appreciate them and make them fruitful for the task. We also use the apparent opposites of intellect and intuition.
Thinking from the outside to the inside and from the inside to the outside creates a connection
For the appropriate positioning of an organisation in its work-sharing environment, we use both the perspective from the inside of the organisation to the environment and from the environment inwards into the organisation. This gives us a comprehensive picture of what role the organisation wants to play.
Structure determines behaviour
Structure is to be understood in the broadest sense. On the one hand, it refers to the organisational structure with regard to the structure of decision-making levels and the design of work processes and systems. In addition, the country and corporate culture as well as the language in which people think and communicate are also taken into account. The mental structures, our worldviews and mental models often shape our behaviour in an invisible but very effective way.
Fragmentation can be overcome through dialogue
The division of labour in the most diverse forms (e.g. in companies and between university faculties) has continued for centuries in our perception and experience of a holistic understanding of ourselves and the world. The dialogue (less the discussion), as an original form of exchange different perceptions, views and perspectives, can help us here beyond the widely negative separation (fragmentation).
People make it happen
The acting people with their passion, qualification, experience and also their fears are ultimately the ones who realize and implement all plans and intentions of an organisation. This is all the more true in a knowledge society. We see people as the essential success factor in the implementation of corporate goals. They are also the most difficult capital of companies to copy.
Mistakes are an excellent source of learning
Real learning consists to a large extent (from childhood on) of trial and error. As people, organisations and societies, we develop individual and collective experiences. Mistakes are a natural result and source of knowledge. This is especially true when one goes into unknown territory to produce innovations, for example. Mistakes are not the problem, but the inappropriate handling of them.
Self-conception and values
cogitamus sees itself as a lateral thinker and border crosser at the interface between tradition and innovation despite a classical career of most network partners.
Our lived values are:
professional – unconventional – individual
Professionalism and quality
By this we mean serving and performing on a high, professional level in agreed quality. This does not mean that mistakes cannot happen. But this means that these mistakes are dealt with professionally, openly, fairly and with a learning attitude.
This also includes that after each project, in agreement with the customer, a quality survey is carried out in order to obtain confirmation of good work (we are particularly pleased about this) or suggestions for continuous improvement (this is also very important to us).
New paths and solutions cannot be found by following well-worn paths. Rather, one has to go new ways that do not conform to the convention. This is entrepreneurial in the true sense of the word and in most cases leads to sustainable change. We accompany our customers on this not always easy, unconventional path.
By individuality we mean tailor-made solutions and not off-the-shelf consulting products.
Quality is the result of professional work